Thursday, April 8, 2010

Chocolate Covered Marshmellow Easter Eggs (Laura S)

Fill several cake pans with flour about 2 inches deep. Press a plastic mold(Easter egg) into flour making about 35 medium impressions.

Soak 2 Tablespoons Knox unflavored gelatin (2 envelopes) in 1/2 cup cold water.
Boil 2 cups sugar and 2/3 cup water to the soft ball stage.
Stir in softened gelatin to the syrup and let it stand 1 minute. It will foam as you stir.

Beat 2 egg whites until stiff. Add syrup mixture into egg whites slowly while beating on high with your mixer. Beat about 10 minutes until beater marks disappear in 10 -15 seconds when you turn it off.

Add 1 tsp vanilla flavoring and a few drops of food coloring if you wish.
Spoon out marshmallow into hallow molds. Do not over fill.

Let set 10-20 minutes. Dust tops with flour. Coat with melted chocolate. When dry may draw designs or put names on eggs with frosting or eat plain.

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